The late NSP publisher Bill Tubbs reported on Jim Leach’s July 2017 speech to North Scott Rotary.
Bill Tubbs
Dec. 19, 1984: Cabbage Patch Dolls were all the rage for Christmas presents. But shoppers who weren’t lucky enough to get their hands on one could get a lookalike from Vicki Fischer of Dixon. Long before the Coleco company began marketing the dolls, crafters had been making the soft dolls and selling them at craft fairs. The only difference between the two was Cabbage Patch Dolls had molded plastic heads, and the lookalikes had fabric heads. But now, molded heads were available for crafters to purchase, and Fischer also included a “birth announcement” with her dolls. That said, she wouldn’t exactly be disappointed when the craze died down. “It has not really been my greatest love,” she said.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
Dec. 15, 1999: Students at North Scott High School began a Key Club, which was a high school organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. Club members planned to wrap Christmas presents as a fundraiser and were looking for more projects. “It’s nice to get together to serve the community and not expect anything in return,” said club vice president Jill Pearson.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
The North Scott Community School District is excited to announce the launch of a comprehensive strategic planning process. This process aims to create a clear and focused road map for the district over the next 3-5 years. This initiative will guide our efforts to ensure student success, enhance community engagement, and foster continuous improvement in our schools.
Joe Stutting
American voters were under a lot of stress leading up to the Nov. 5 presidential election. That stress has continued since Donald Trump received less than 50 percent voter support. Hence, the majority of citizens are not wed to his unending plethora of promises.
Steve Corbin
"According to Adobe Analytics, Black Friday shoppers spent a record $10.8 billion this year. Silly me, I thought the economy was terrible ..."
Dec. 5, 1984: Although the news did not come as a complete surprise, employees at the International Harvester Farmall plant in Rock Island were still disappointed to hear the plan would close. Officials with the company were scheduled to meet with employees to reveal their plans for the 1,650 workers who would be unemployed, but Don Keding of rural Long Grove was one of many affected who said it would be tough to find a new job. “It’s going to be damn tough to find something that will even come close to giving workers the fringe benefits and high salaries that major manufacturing has provided in this area.”
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
I was asked to speak last month at the annual conference of the National Freedom of Information Coalition. My remarks boiled down to a simple message: The public needs more information about their governments, not more secrecy from their governments.
Randy Evans
Editor’s note: Scott County supervisors on Nov. 7 approved these priorities of the Iowa Urban County Coalition for taxpayer-funded lobbying of state legislators during the 2025 session. The coalition is comprised of supervisors from Linn, Black Hawk, Dubuque, Johnson, and Scott counties.
"It is not too early to get those holiday gifts wrapped. Here is the perfect solution ..."
"The work and generosity of these businesses, organizations, and individuals, improve our community and our community events, one tree, even one string of lights, at a time. What a wonderful community we live in! Thank you ..."
Tubbs family honored for initial pledge for bandshell fund drive
Former NSP owner Bill Tubbs’ Impressions column appeared for 53 years on this page. Bill passed away Sept. 20. Here's an excerpt from Nov. 28, 1984.
Nov. 28, 1984: Marc Brown, author and illustrator of the popular “Arthur” children’s books, paid a visit to John Glenn Elementary School. He talked about his writing process, and made a large drawing based on student suggestions. Brown said he knew he wanted to be an artist when he was in second grade. “I promise I’ll keep writing more books if you guys go to the library to read them once in a while,” Brown told the students.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
In August, the Eldridge council adopted a social host ordinance, holding adult property owners liable for underage drinking in their homes.
Bill Tubbs
Nov. 20, 1974: North Scott sophomore Lisa Lau was surprised to learn that her prize-winning recipe for cheesecake cookies was selected to be in Better Homes & Gardens magazine. Lau won the cake and cookie division in the Milk Made Magic contest, sponsored by the Scott County Dairy Association, and prepared the cookies for judging at the Iowa State Fair. Several judges in that competition were associated with the magazine. Lau received a $50 check from the magazine for printing her recipe.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
As news reports say Donald Trump may try to bypass the Senate and its confirmation process in order to make recess appointments for some of his cabinet picks, it is worth remembering what Chuck Grassley had to say on the subject when Barack Obama was president in 2012.
Ed Tibbetts
"I read that the Scott County Supervisors Board Chairman’s main concern is county employees. Apparently employee welfare supersedes taxpayers’ pocketbook ..."
"Our nation's congress will soon be controlled by individuals patronizing religious extremists believing a woman should not have control over her own body. Guys, better get that vasectomy before they, too, are outlawed. And some sheep's blood on our doors might be a good idea ..."
The election’s finally past, much to our relief, and the results were historic. Here’s a few reflections:
Bill Tubbs