350 results total, viewing 101 - 120
"On Nov. 5, I will vote for the candidates that represent Iowa values like treating others with dignity and respect, not judging others for being different, not making claims of having no need to seek forgiveness. I will vote for Kamala Harris/Tim Walz, Christina Bohannan and Phil Wiese ..." more
"Phil understands what it means to be a public servant, not only is he a volunteer firefighter, but also a Montpelier Fire responder. That’s what a true representative does for their friends and neighbors—give back to their community ..." more
"Phil will be a calming wind bringing dignity back to Iowa ..." more
"I’ve seen some of the attacks on Bobby Kaufmann’s character from his opponent on AEA issues. I wanted to set the record straight as someone who actually works in education and was and is involved in this issue ..." more
"Having served Scott County on the Board of Supervisors for many years, I understand firsthand the level of dedication, hard work, and the leadership qualities required to keep the county moving forward. That is why I endorse Ken Beck for re-election to the Board of Supervisors for the 2024 General Election ..." more
"We, those who vote, have slept through our responsibility to elect competent representatives. We have delegated our duty to others who have ulterior or even contrary motives. Our cleverly interpreted Constitution has been raped to achieve a voting process we cannot trust and representatives who are presumed, even proven incompetent ..." more
"Bobby Kaufmann has represented the 82nd district in a manner that all citizens can be proud of. Although he is a Republican, he is willing to work across the aisle to make Iowa a better place ..." more
"I certainly hope that someone with a vision for our democratic values, Kamala Harris by name, becomes our next President. She represents a vision for common sense leadership in a free nation protected by the Constitution ..." more
"Let us all please reevaluate the image we are projecting. And starting this moment, with God’s blessings and grace, make adjustments to shine light to those in our world ..." more
Oct. 17, 1984: The Eldridge City Council proposed a new ordinance limiting where satellite dishes could be constructed at residences. “All we want to do is regulate where the dishes can be located, and basically we’re saying they can only be placed in rear yards in residentially zoned areas,” said Eldridge city administrator Don Sandor. The council was also looking at an ordinance requiring protective enclosures or fences for outdoor whirlpools and hot tubs. more
The National Weather Service recently consolidated and renamed winter weather events. Wind Chill Watch/Warning/Advisory will be consolidated into Extreme Cold Watch/Warning and Cold Weather Advisory. Hard Freeze Watch and Warning will be consolidated into Freeze Watch/Warning. more
"A bike path connecting Park View and Eldridge.  A bike path would be used by many with various activities and needs ..." more
"There’s an adage that goes something like this: As we think about out how to live our life, we should think about what we’d like others say about us at our funeral ..." more
"Ken is committed to provide essential services and is passionate about preserving our beautiful parks and attractions. He continues to serve the citizens of Scott County with relentless energy since first being elected in 2016 ..." more
"Bobby knows what he is doing and whether you think his style is too strong, it is this very personality that gets things done ..." more
"Before you vote this year make sure you are not giving away your daughters right to play sports and compete on an equal basis with other females ..." more
"Trump expects his people to give his continuous lying a pass ..." more
"Rep. Kaufmann understands that safeguarding animals is not only a moral responsibility but also a public safety issue ..." more
"Matt Trimble is asking Scott County voters to elect him our next County Auditor. His campaign promises greater integrity and competence than Kerri Tompkins, the incumbent. A comparison suggests Kerri is the more qualified candidate ..." more
"I have had the privilege to work alongside of Rep. Bobby Kaufmann for the past two years. During this time I have come to respect Rep. Kaufmann greatly ..." more
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