Feb. 10, 2010: North Scott superintendent Jeff Schwiebert suggested that when the combined student populations at Ed White and Alan Shepard reached 850, the district should consider building another elementary school. The current enrollment was 794, including 75 sixth graders from Ed White who were currently attending classes at the junior high.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
Last week was also National School Choice Week, providing an opportunity to recognize Iowa’s progress in expanding educational options for families. Since the passage of the Students First Act in 2022, there has been large interest in school choice initiatives. These efforts aim to enhance academic outcomes across all educational settings—public, private, and charter schools—ensuring families have access to the best learning environment for their children.
Kerry Gruenhagen
Session is in full gear and many of the major pieces of legislation you may be hearing about are in their formulation and public input stage. As bills begin to have clarity, I will write about those topics in future columns. For this week, I will give you some highlights of bills that have passed a subcommittee and are up for consideration.
Bobby Kaufmann
Stubbornly high prices for heavy equipment, supplies, and technology continue to impact the budget of the Department of Transportation. This was the Department’s message as it presented its Fiscal Year 2026 spending proposal to the House Transportation, Infrastructure, and Capitals budget subcommittee Jan. 27.
Gary Mohr
Iowa Farm Bureau Federation, the state’s largest grassroots farm organization, will address key priorities including the modernization of the state’s Grain Indemnity Fund, protecting property taxpayers and other important policies impacting Iowa’s farmers and rural communities during the 2025 legislative session.
"Zimmer is already working across the aisle talking to our elected representatives in the legislature, county boards, city councils and community leaders. He will be a great asset in Des Moines ..."
"The overwhelming generosity of the people of Eldridge, helped provide joy to children in need through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts this season ..."
"Republican legislators are now interfering in the University of Iowa curriculum. This smells of partisan politics, and the stench reeks of propaganda ..."
Lancer Productions’ Children’s Theatre is always fun, but this year, they’re going big. For the first time since 2022 and Disney’s “Frozen Jr.,” they’re staging a full-scale musical.
Erin M. Gentz
Feb. 2, 2000: Slagle’s Supermarkets Inc. accepted the City of Eldridge’s $752,000 offer to purchase the building that was formerly home to a grocery store. The city intended to lease the building to the Scott County Library as the new headquarters in Eldridge.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
Iowa Capital Dispatch this month marked the fifth anniversary of its launch on Jan. 7, 2020.
Kathie Obradovich
In this year’s tax bill I do intend to pursue the option for counties (including Scott County) that have already declared Emergency Medical Service as an essential service, as well as any new counties who have not yet done so, to have access to a higher levy rate and new money. I want to be clear: Cedar County voters would still have to vote and adopt this option. The difference is that counties who already have voted and are adopting the EMS infrastructure would not have to start that process from scratch.
Bobby Kaufmann
Last week, I chaired the subcommittee on Senate File 49, which relates to bots and the purchase of event tickets on the internet. These bots ruin the chances of people obtaining tickets by flooding websites selling tickets, clogging up the servers, and taking all of the tickets. These tickets are then usually re-sold with a huge price markup. Senate File 49 works to prohibit the use and creation of bots to purchase more than the posted limit for any ticket sale, or circumvent any queue or waiting period to purchase tickets. The bill will be discussed in the Technology Committee, and if approved will be sent to the floor for debate.
Kerry Gruenhagen
The House Public Safety Committee has started the year fast with multiple subcommittees on various issues. Below are a few of the bills discussed.
Gary Mohr and Mike Vondran
We have been hard at work in each of our committees. In our Natural Resources Committee, five bills were assigned to various Representatives this week. House File 65, a bill relating to deer depredation, was assigned to Reps. Collins, Sexton, and Kurth.
Norlin Mommsen
"This 'nation of immigrants' has forgotten our origins, and slammed the 'golden door' firmly behind us ..."
"Perhaps learning more about minorities and offering diversity, equity and inclusion policies would actually be a better idea than reducing services and coursework focused on more than half of the country’s population. What are these folks afraid of ..."
"If inflation hurts Americans, especially the poor and the aged, why do we keep electing people who don’t know that ..."
You would think career politician, former Clinton County Board of Supervisor, and former City Council member, Tom Determann would understand local budgets and constituent services. As a …
Kay Pence
Jan. 26, 2000: North Scott superintendent Pat DeLuca recommended a study committee be established to conduct a needs assessment for a pool in Eldridge. “I’ve heard talk about an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a competitive pool, a diving pool. I think we should go through the needs assessment before we make any recommendations,” he said. The needs assessment would also include focus groups of residents.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz