346 results total, viewing 201 - 220
"We were all taught from the get-go that in America no one is above the law, even the president.  But six members of the Supreme Court broke that law with their asinine ruling on presidential immunity ..." more
"Thank you to all involved in the planning and carrying out of the “Veterans Appreciation Night” held at Lancer baseball stadium on July 1 preceding the North Scott v Davenport Assumption doubleheader ..." more
I didn’t take Spanish in high school, so, like the character of Benny in “In the Heights,” I’ve only got a passing familiarity with the language. more
Thursday, July Fourth, is a day to fly your flag proudly – or not. I add "or not," because in this land of the free and home of the brave, flying the flag is a choice. Were it not so, would it have any meaning? more
July 3, 1974:  The North Scott School Board approved shortening the school day by 30 minutes, starting in the upcoming school year. Board members reported no negative public reaction to the proposal. Each period at the junior high and high school would be made five minutes shorter. At the elementary schools, recess would be made slightly shorter and class periods would be condensed. The board also established Sept. 10 as the date for a $1.4 million bond issue that would fund additions at Ed White and Alan Shepard, and a new school building at Park View. more
"To everyone setting off fireworks early and against the rules: We have a 12-year-old dog with severe heart issues ..." more
"Joe is our best hope of denying Trump again ..." more
"The truth matters. Information matters. I am so thankful you wrote that article ..." more
How I wish I could've been in Toronto (Canada, not Iowa!) last week with newspaper colleagues when ISWNE – International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors – handed out its annual Golden Quill and Golden Dozen awards. My advocacy for the Scott County Library was one of the winners. more
June 26, 1974: The Eldridge City Council rejected a request from the Eldridge Police Department for additional manhours. The request was made after a resident reported her vehicle had been involved in a hit-and-run accident and a police officer was not able to respond to the scene until an hour after the incident. Police chief Harley Osmun said the incident took place during the only period of the week that was not covered by an officer – 160 of 168 hours were currently covered. He said the council had given him an ultimatum in March when it prevented him from hiring a part-time officer. more
They sounded like they cared. more
"Until recent years, virtually all Americans would acknowledge the validity of certain facts, e.g., the earth is round and the sun sets in the west. That shared reality no longer exists after the concept of 'alternative facts' was injected into the bloodstream of American life ..." more
At work, do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day? more
The YMCA advisory board and friends held a farewell reception Thursday afternoon for North Scott YMCA director Chance Berger at Iron Tee, a fancy new arcade and golf driving venue at the Bett Plex just east of Middle Road in northern Bettendorf. more
June 20, 1984: Scott County Secondary Roads officials were awaiting the results of a feasibility study for a new Central Maintenance Facility in Eldridge. Workers said the current building was cramped and poorly insulated and ventilated. The total estimated cost of a new facility was $1.25 million. more
"Come support the Maysville Fire Department Block Party for live music and food trucks all day, noon to 11 p.m., Saturday, June 22 ..." more
"Miller-Meeks knows the game. Her advocacy for fossil fuel and her lengthy record of undermining green renewable energy industries lead to an obvious conclusion ..." more
"It is so fitting to observe Spike’s passing in such a way as was portrayed and commemorated as the NSP has done ..." more
The people of Jackson County are lucky that Lowell Carlson chose a career in journalism, even if he didn't own the paper. The archives of the Bellevue Herald-Leader and to a lesser degree the Maquoketa Sentinel-Press are chock full of well-told stories, under Lowell's byline, of everyone from presidents to ordinary citizens doing extraordinary things. more
June 12, 1974: In the race for Scott County Board of Supervisors, Republicans Robert Duax, Bob Meyer and Les Schick, and Democrats Monica Walton, Wes Elliott and Pete Mathews emerged victorious in a primary that had 16 candidates between the two parties. more
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