Homecoming 2024: Meet the court


Homecoming has arrived in Lancer Land and North Scott is looking to “Box the Bobcats” of Western Dubuque.

The court was announced last Friday during a raucous pep aud in The Pit, with plenty of games and other fun. The court also led the student body in a class cheer-off, with the Class of 2025 declared the winner and receiving the spirit stick.

The parade will step off at 6 p.m. on Thursday from the high school, and will be led by two recent retirees, Christie Liske, who was an aide at John Glenn and retired in December, and Patti Levien, who was an aide at Ed White and retired at the end of the 2022-23 school year.

Following the parade, the coronation will be held in Lancer Stadium.

This year’s crown bearer is Connor Lilly, a first grader at Ed White. He is the son of Joe and Kaitlyn Lilly (reading interventionist at Ed White) of Bettendorf.

The flower girl will be Zahara Schwartz, a second grader at Ed White. She is the daughter of Aaron Schwartz (associate high school principal) and Laura Thayer of Princeton.

In alphabetical order, the court candidates are:

Queen candidates

Meredith Carlson is the daughter of Marc and Niki Carlson.

Her siblings are Elly Carlson, a junior at UNI, and Finn Carlson, an eighth grader at the junior high.

Her future plans are to major in speech and communications disorders at a school to be decided. She wants to become a speech pathologist.

Her most memorable high school experience was going to state soccer her junior year and making fun memories with friends.

She would like to give a special thank you to “my family, friends and teachers for always supporting me.”

Kaelin Carlson-Gross is the daughter of AJ and Jessica Gross.

Her sibling is Kai Gross, a first grader at Alan Shepard.

Her future plans are to attend the University of Northern Iowa to major in communications disorders in the hopes of becoming a pediatric speech pathologist.

Her most memorable high school experience has been state track and high school football games.

She would like to give a special thank you to “my family and friends and coaches for pushing me to be the best version of myself.”

Abbey Hayes is the daughter of Kristen Hayes and Jeff Hayes.

Her siblings are Alexis Hayes, a graduate of Vanderbilt University, and Kate Hayes, a senior at UNI.

Her future plans are to graduate high school early and continue her volleyball career at Creighton and major in nursing.

Her most memorable high school experience was winning the state volleyball championship her junior year.

She would like to give a special thank you to “my mom and dad and sisters for being my biggest fans, the volleyball team for pushing me on and off the court, and Coach Taryn and Grayson for always being there for me.”

Paityn Leigh is the daughter of Lori Leigh and Andy Leigh.

Her sibling is Madison Leigh, a sophomore at North Scott.

Her future plans are to attend the University of Iowa, though her major and career plans are undecided.

Her most memorable high school experience has been “winning state freshman, sophomore and junior year with my dance team.”

She would like to give a special thank you to “my mom and dad, my sister, my coaches and my best friends for supporting and loving me through everything.”

Ellie Scott is the daughter of Emily and Ian Scott.

Her siblings are Owen Scott, an eighth grader, and Annie Scott, a fifth grader.

Her future plans are to attend UNI to major in elementary education.

Her most memorable high school experience has been state soccer and football games.

She would like to give a special thank you to family, friends, and her favorite teacher, Mrs. Oltman, for making her the person she is today.

King Candidates

Jesse Eller is the son of Hallie Eller.

His siblings are Kamilah Eller, a sophomore, Tara Hoskins, a student at Ed White, and Trey Hoskins, three-years-old.

His future plans are to go into the trades.

His most memorable high school experience has been state track.

He would like to give a special thank you to his mom, grandparents, coaches and Mr. Nass.

Jerrod Lee is the son of Marquita Lee.

His sibling is Thuran, who has graduated from school.

His future plans are to attend school for football and marketing, and to become a Realtor.

His most memorable high school experience has been locker rooms and bus rides after games and hanging out.

He would like to give a special thank you to “my mom, my grandma, Ms. Oltman, the entire football staff and Tim Block.”

Kye Smith is the son of John and Jodi Smith.

His sibling is Marin Smith, a sophomore at the University of Iowa.

His future plans are to go to school for baseball and to major in forensic science and become a forensic scientist.

His most memorable high school experience has been past football games, eating out with friends and hanging out.

He would like to give a special thank you to “my mom, my dad, Mrs. Oltman, Mrs. Skarich, and the football and baseball staff.”

Zach Powell is the son of Amy and John Powell.

His sibling is Emma Powell, a graduate student at the University of Dubuque.

His future plans are to study business and management and construction management at an undecided school.

His most memorable high school experience has been “the locker rooms post football games.”

He would like to give a special thank you to the entire football staff, Tim Block, Doc Lyons, mom, dad, Mrs. Oltman, Coach Taryn and Coach Stew.

Tanner Yates is the son of Tony and Holly Yates.

His siblings are TJ Yates and Hope Yates.

His future plans are to attend a four-year university to study finance.

His most memorable high school experience has been “going to all the football games to cheer on my friends.”

He would like to give a special thank you to his parents, Mrs. Oltman, his coaches and Mr. Nass.

Homecoming, Western Dubuque High School, Christie Liske, Patti Levien, Connor Lilly, Zahara Schwartz, Meredith Carlson, Kaelin Carlson-Gross, Abbey Hayes, Paityn Leigh, Ellie Scott, Jesse Eller, Jerrod Lee, Kye Smith, Zach Powell, Tanner Yates
