The Biden administration recently finalized a rule that would require nursing homes in America to have a minimum level of staff on duty at all times.
John and Terri Hale, The Hale Group
The future of our country relies on the coming generations of students in our schools today. This means preparing them for the adult world they inevitably will join in the near future.
Cole Wessel
Politicians do not appear to be serious about passing a new five-year farm bill before the November elections.
Art Cullen
A new federal audit has revealed a surprising claim about biofuel tax credits: One third of the credits sampled by investigators lacked the required documentation, meaning the claims should not have been allowed.
Ed Tibbetts
The 2024 session was a big win for Iowans, and we passed some major legislation to address the concerns of Iowans and the issues important to them. With all these accomplishments, we are looking forward to getting back home to our districts, spending time with our families, and talking with constituents about our successes this year.
Chris Cournoyer
On April 10, the Iowa House passed House File 2641 by a near unanimous 96-aye to 1-nay vote. HF 2641 is the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) departmental bill. The measure proposes a number of changes to the Code that make technical corrections to update Code verbiage, remove dormant or obsolete program and Code provisions, and restructures Code language concerning the Choose Iowa Promotional Program.
Mike Vondran
House File 2634 removes the $7.0 million cap on the real estate transfer tax (RETT) that is deposited in the housing trust fund (HTF)—resulting in an increase to that fund and affordable housing across the state. The bill passed out of the House Economic Growth and Technology and Ways and Means Committees as well as off the House Floor unanimously.
Gary Mohr
The 14th week included a lot of floor debate as we work through bills going through both the House and the Senate.
Chris Cournoyer
The 14th week of the 2024 legislative session brought more bills to the House floor. As Chairman of the House Appropriation Committee, I have scheduled budget bills to start being voted on within our committee. We will soon be reaching the end of our session.
Gary Mohr
If you were having a conversation with your best friend and he said your outfit looked horrible that day, would that make you feel good?
Jennings Pfohl
City officials in Davenport have managed to accomplish the impossible this year: They have brought Republicans and Democrats in the Legislature together to agree on something.
Randy Evans
Things are starting to wrap up at the capitol as we end the session, and the House of Representatives is busy working on the budget for the 2025 Fiscal Year.
Norlin Mommsen
As week 13 comes to a close I find myself with a growing appreciation for my opportunity to live here in Iowa, not to mention the great honor of serving you all in the Iowa House.
Mike Vondran
The 13th week of the 2024 Legislative Session brought more bills to the House floor. As chairman of the House Appropriation Committee, I received our budget targets for this session. We will soon begin building the budget for the State of Iowa.
Gary Mohr
The 13th week of the legislative session involved a lot of debate, finding an agreement on the state budget, and confirming governor appointees. Bills of note include:
Chris Cournoyer
As a kid have you ever wanted to get something expensive but your parents say, “No,” or “pay for it yourself.”
Rowen Biehl
This session, the House passed House File 2554 which is based on some of the recommendations provided to update Iowa’s energy laws. Over the summer, the legislature required a full review of Iowa’s utilities and ratemaking processes. This was the first comprehensive review done in 20 years, and a lot has changed in that time in the energy sector.
Mike Vondran
On March 28, Senate Republicans released the total general fund spending goal for next year. The general fund target of $8.872 billion is a 3.74 percent increase over FY 2024. It includes the increase of $172 million in funding for public K-12 schools and minimum starting teacher pay approved earlier this week in HF 2612 and $51.25 million in new money for ESAs for a total $223.2 million in new money for K-12 education.
Kerry Gruenhagen
Last week we took action on two major pieces of legislation – combating illegal immigration and fighting against eminent domain abuse.
Bobby Kaufmann
Changes to Iowa’s Area Education Agencies (AEAs) have been a central focus of many Iowans this year. The reality is this - the status quo of Iowa’s special education system is not good enough, and something has to change. It is not just the legislature that thinks so. The federal government has designated our state as “needs improvement” and is starting in-state monitoring this fall.
Kerry Gruenhagen