Lions pick up the check

Contribution will renovate dog park


Eldridge Lions present an $800 check to the North Scott Community Enhancement group to redevelop the dog park in Eldridge.  In the fall of 2023, the Eldridge Lions presented the North Scott Community Enhancement with $500 for this project.  The total donation of $1,300 will help fund phase one of this great project.  From left, Abby La Plante, Haley Link, Sydney Groene, Ava Urbain, Evie Kemmerer, Brynn Westhoff, Eldridge Lion Vice President Ann Mohr and Treasurer Mark Wall. 

Eldridge Lions Club, North Scott Community Enhancement Group, Abby LaPlante, Haley Link, Sydney Groene, Ava Urbain, Evie Kemmerer, Brynn Westhoff, Ann Mohr, Mark Wall
