Iowans have always been respectful, decent people. We’re there for our neighbors in need. We help people stranded on the side of the road. We give generously to food pantries and our churches.
By Phil Wiese, Blue Grass
How can you have it both ways? That is what Rep. Miller Meeks wants. She and House Republicans demanded border security measures before funding Ukraine and Israel with arms.
They …
Durant elementary currently has one of the largest kindergarten classes it has seen in years. This is a result of open enrollment into the district, 25 out of the 51 current kindergartners are open …
For the third time in the past six months, Liberty/Algonquin Power of Canada, sent out letters on Dec. 1, to Muscatine County landowners inviting them to a meeting at the West Liberty Fairgrounds on …
Rhonda Staley Meredith, Nichols
For the third time in the past six months, Liberty/Algonquin Power of Canada, sent out letters on Dec. 1, to Muscatine County landowners inviting them to a meeting at the West Liberty Fairgrounds on …
He comes like a thief in the night. He knows where you live and knows your financial situation. You own 40 or more acres of land. He promises you riches. Promises you security for your family and …
J.M. Lahey, Nichols
Durant’s Hometown Holiday event was a great success this past weekend. The Community Center was transformed into a wonderful winter wonderland with our very own Festival of Trees. Several …
By Sheila Budelier
Saturday, Nov. 11, is a day set aside to honor America’s veterans who, beginning with the Revolutionary War and winning our independence from England, through the many wars and conflicts during more than two centuries as a nation have kept us safe and helped preserve democracies around the world.
I have lived in Iowa all my life. The respectful, live-and-let-live attitude I grew up with encourages us all to look for the good in others and to respond to that. This raises greater possibilities of mutual understanding and community being nurtured that has led to some surprising and positive developments for Iowa. An example: Gov. Ray’s invitation to Vietnamese refugees to settle in Iowa. This welcome for immigrant workers has spread over time to some Iowa towns (Storm Lake, Denison, West Liberty among them) which has encouraged vibrant growth in some of rural Iowa. Looking around for more good news…
In Representative Miller-Meeks’ Weekly Newsletter on Nov 5, she included a photo of herself with Paul Bishop, President and CEO of Water Professionals International. The photo caption stated, “Maintaining water quality standards in my district, specifically for communities by the Mississippi River, is crucial.” The Congresswoman is right. Iowans are entitled to clean, safe water.
The Board of Supervisors of Cedar County has an obligation to ensure that prompt and efficient emergency medical services are provided for the residents, businesses, and visitors of Cedar County. Unfortunately, that is not always occurring today.
As the director of emergency management for Cedar County, two of my core duties are to plan for any disaster that might affect Cedar County, and to work to reduce the effects of those disasters upon the residents of Cedar County. Many of the disaster plans for our county include some facet of medical response. Knowing that “… the state of emergency medical services in Cedar County, in the present state, does not appear to be sustainable, long-term, under the current model” deeply concerns me.
On Nov. 7, those of you that live within the Durant School District have the opportunity to vote on a bond referendum and VPPEL (Voter approved PPEL) funding additions. Even though I am a resident of Illinois, I and many others are impacted by your vote.
Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control, the leading causes of death across the United States in 2022 included heart disease, unintentional injury, and stroke? When an emergency occurs to you or a loved one, time is a critical factor in receiving early emergency care. On Nov. 7, you have an opportunity to help reduce the time it takes to receive emergency care.
I’ll be voting yes for the Nov. 7, 2023, Durant Community School Bond. Our community deserves our school to have these updates. Our community continues stronger with this support.
It is with a heavy heart that I have decided not to continue the Wilton/Durant Community Thanksgiving Dinner this year. It has been a pleasure to serve you over the years.
Oh, the chaos, the confusion, bitterness, anger, hatred, ineptness, threats of violence, not to mention the failure to do what they were elected to do, and what we are paying them to do, but enough about the Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives. We have seen this coming for a few decades with a rapid acceleration since the descent down the golden escalator by the GOP’s new leader, thanks to the capitulation by mainstream and moderate Republicans. Can’t say I feel sorry for you since you asked for it.
I wish the entire community of Durant could’ve heard the joy in our son’s voice when he called to tell me that the bond had “PASSED!”
Iowa has a problem retaining college graduates. In a May 2022 study (National Economic Research Bureau Working Paper #30088, “Grads on the Go: Measuring College-Specific Labor Markets for Graduates”), researchers found that Iowa ranked 41st in “net import and export of college graduates across states.” In other words, upon graduation from one of Iowa’s colleges or universities, young people leave the state for greener pastures.
Editor's note: Mr. Steffens, of Moscow, sent a copy of this letter as an email to all county supervisors.