The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was held Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the Wilton City Council room with the following present:
Trustees Tom Maurer, Carla Thurston, Mike Norton, Terri Becker, and Becky Hansen.
President, Tom Maurer called the meeting to order.
A motion to approve the Oct. 10, 2024, monthly meeting minutes was made by Mike Norton, seconded by Terri Becker, motion carried.
A motion to approve the treasurer’s report as of Oct. 31, 2024, was made by Mike Norton, seconded by Carla Thurston, motion carried.
A bill was received from Gorsuch for $52,150 and from Hoekstra for $32,400 for the work to replace the culvert and the cement to replace the road in the cemetery. This was previously voted on and approved by the board.
Old Business
Mowing is completed for the year.
Howard Tree Service will complete the tree work this fall and he will also look at the tree in the south part of the cemetery to see if it needs to be removed or trimmed.
New Business
We will remark the area at the west end of the cemetery by the exit. Some of this area was marked as ‘do not sell’ because of how close it was to the road. Since the roads were paved several years ago it is now ok to sell these areas. Tom and Mike did the measuring to mark the new lots.
The seeding for the new culvert area will be completed next spring.
In the future when we get more dirt we need to level the dirt by the field in the south west corner.
The notice for a new board member will be in the paper in November.
A motion to adjourn was made by Terri Becker, seconded by Mike Norton, motion carried.
Our next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the City Council room.
Becky Hansen, Secretary