688 results total, viewing 161 - 180
Steve Kuehn was the only contestant in this week’s Football Contest to miss one, so he is the lucky recipient of the $30 first prize. Ken Bland and Dennis Buhman came in second and third, … more
Oct. 24 Traffic complaint in the 1000 block of Cypress Street resulted in Sam Gray of Wilton being cited for careless driving. Vehicle inspection occurred in the 100 block of E. 4th Street. … more
Veteran’s Day activities for both Durant and Wilton were announced as the local communities honor Veterans, past and present. Durant activities Nov. 11, beginning at 10:45 p.m., … more
Playing in their second straight home football playoff game, the Wilton Beavers used a big second half to pull away from MFL MarMac 40-14 in the Round of 16.  “This was a statement … more
Deahr Family Donates $20,000 to Event Center at the Muscatine County Fair The Deahr Family of rural West Liberty donated $20,000 to the Event Center at the Muscatine County Fair. The … more
Quick thinking by neighbors and skilled fire fighting in a combined effort by 11 local fire departments may have saved a home and other structures at a rural Stockton family farm in the 1300 block of … more
A 30-40 mile per hour wind-aided field fire southeast of West Liberty got so far out of control the West Liberty Fire Department had to call in mutual aid Tuesday, 0ct. 29. Veteran Chief Kirt … more
In our tight-knit community of West Liberty, four sisters have discovered a sweet way to make a difference. Sailor, Finley, Pearson, and Sully Hall have taken family traditions and transformed … more
The Muscatine County Parkinson Support Group will meet at The Wesley Family Life Center, 114 West 4th Street, Muscatine, on Thursday, Nov. 21 at 3:30 p.m.   Please note the location, due to … more
The Muscatine County Board of Supervisors approved a change order in the amount of $8,726.23 for outer ledge structural carpentry repairs for the Muscatine County Courthouse roofing project. The … more
United Way Muscatine County’s Kids First Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser is 7-9 a.m., Friday, Nov.   15 at MidWest One Bank’s Walnut Room, 300 E Second St, Muscatine. The Kids … more
Atalissa Halloween night Trunk or Treat event, held at the Atalissa Fire station where cookies, hot chocolate and popcorn were served. more
Fish and chicken are on the menu for the Durant American Legion fish fry, 4:30-7 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, at Post #430, 712 5th St, Durant. more
Lynn Ochiltree is the de-facto town historian for Wilton, Iowa. more
Wendy Kraft lives in a beautiful home on a hillside overlooking the Mississippi River, at the end of a dead-end street in the west side of Davenport. more
The 119-acre Donahue farm owned by Jim and Sharon O’Connor is so old it predates founding of the state of Iowa. more
The Oetzmann McVey farm is not only Iowa, but it’s literally heaven. more
Tom Brown had more than a few friends. more
Oct. 20 Traffic stop   near Hwy 38 and W. 3rd Street for a moving violation.   The driver was given a verbal warning. Welfare check in the 100 block of Spruce Street was handled … more
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