Verna Henning celebrates 100th birthday


Verna J. Henning of Walcott is celebrating her 100th birthday. Everyone is invited to send cards to Verna at the Wheatland Manor Nursing Home, 316 E. Lincolnway St., Wheatland, IA 52777.

Verna Sothmann was born near Walcott on Feb. 17, 1925. She married Ernest F. Henning, who died in 1995.

Verna started her career by teaching in Cob Town and working at the Rock Island Arsenal as a forklift driver. However, her most impressive career accomplishment was selling Avon for almost 60 years in the Calamus, Davenport, and Walcott areas. She was well into her 90’s before she finally retired from Avon. Even after she gave up driving, she still sold Avon and her customers would come to her to pick up their orders. She also spent many years as the Voter Registrar in Walcott, and she worked at the Bentley Funeral Home as a hostess.

Verna loved living on the farm, cooking, baking, dancing, fishing, gardening, playing cards, and camping. She wishes she could still do it all.

She is the mother of Verlynn Moroney (Dick Moroney) of South Vienna, Ohio, Lyndon Ernie Henning (Ruth Sueverkruebbe) of Davenport, and Renae Baca (Michael Baca), Albuquerque, N.M.

Her grandchildren are Dodi Moroney (deceased), Brian Moroney, Daron Moroney, Clint Henning, Jason Henning, and Ryan Dietz. She also has four great-grandchildren.

Verna Henning, birthdays, family news
